Freitag, 19. März 2021

If you have a racist friend

 Internationaler Tag gegen Rassismus am 21.März 

"Rassistische und nationalistische Töne verursachen in Lautsprechern von guerilla audio zusätzliche, starke Störgeräusche und können sie irreparabel beschädigen. Vermeiden Sie unbedingt die Wiedergabe entsprechender Inhalte!"

Diesem Statement des Lautsprecherherstellers Guerilla Audio können wir uns nur anschließen und geben dazu gleich eine passende Musikempfehlung, nämlich den Song          "If you have a racist friend", aber nicht in der Originalversion von den The Special AKA, sondern von Tobias Levin und Cpt.Kirk&:


If you have a racist friend
Now is the time, now is the time for your friendship to end.
Be it your father be it your mother
Be it your cousin or your uncle or your brother.

Now is the time now is the time
Now is the time now is the time
Now is the time now is the time
For your friendship to end.

Be it your best friend or any other
Be it your cousin or your uncle or your lover.

Now is the time now is the time
Now is the time now is the time
Now is the time now is the time
For your friendship to end.

Change your views or change your friends
Now is the time, now is the time for your friendship to end.
Be it your father be it your mother
Be it your best friend or your uncle or your lover.

Now is the time now is the time
Now is the time now is the time
Now is the time now is the time
For you.


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